Messages from The Universe

I was walking down the street the other day, deep in thought and saw this message flash before my eyes. It was something I really needed to hear in that moment so I felt really appreciative for seeing it. I know it can be hard to believe that anything has your back lately, especially with emotions running high from the past week and also with very personal hardships that may be happening in your life right now. But The Universe shows you it has your back by sending you these messages when you need to hear them. You also see it in the innocence of children's eyes and smiles. You see it in your animals and the ones that scurry past you on your path. So take heed, there's a message out there for you, an answer, a next step to take. Nothing is wrong with how you're feeling right now, you are where you are and every emotion is valid. Just keep up the hope and shine bright.

Peace 💞

Upside Down

It's late as I'm writing this - I've heard and sat with the news that shocked America. Earlier today was a day full of celebrations of women, power suits, voting stickers and overall hopefulness. It was an unbelievably beautiful, warm and sunny day here in Portland which was a nice distraction during the day. Things didn't go as we hoped and I watched friends and family go into a downward emotional spiral. I tried to stay positive until the end while people told me I was fooling myself. Even if some may say "they told me so", I am really appreciative for the few others that remained positive too. This illustration originally had the words "congratulations" on it and was right side up. I turned it upside down not only because all of this feels surreal, but to be upside down also means "to hang in repose". In my repose, I came to this: yesterday's suckage has no bearing on who you are as a person or how you expand and move forward. It's so important to know that everything will be alright, no matter what happens. This is the best stance to take and the best place for your personal power to come from. Nothing is permanent, not even the holding of a position in the presidency for a full 4 years. Find comfort where you can and talk only of what you want. Stand tall, stand firm and hold on to your power. Trust that the Universe has our back and be the light that casts away the shadows for other people.



Soothing Things

It's been a little hectic this past few weeks with getting my work into envelopes and boxes and out the door. This weeks intentions have been all about being mindful of setting a steady pace while still making time for myself. I've been craving and turning to soothing things that cause me to pause and be conscious of myself and the moment. My favorite things are big teacups filled with delicious tea that warms my belly, cuddly sweaters, aromatherapy, and music that makes me sing while I work.

It's sort of like a favorite things week and I just wanted to draw them. Hope you are surrounded by your favorite soothing things this week too. Come share yours over on my instagram!

Happy Wednesday 💞

Tarot Vibes for Today

It's still #inktober on Instagram and I wanted to share more October vibes. It's time to carve pumpkins, decorate with gourds and maybe even treat yourself to a reading. I haven't had anyone do my cards for quite some time and lately have mostly been reading for others. I especially love this time of the year because all things esoteric are embraced. So today I pulled a couple of cards from some decks I don't use very often.

First up is the Crystal deck and I pulled the gemstone Aventurine. I love Aventurine because it symbolizes abundance and the unlimited self. Aventurine is a green stone and can have hints of mica in it. This stone helps you find your way, have an adventure. The only limitations facing any of us are the limitations we have placed on ourselves. Aventurine helps make what seems impossible, very possible.

Last up is the Major Arcana card The Universe. Such a great card to follow the Aventurine card. The Universe card is about exploring the unknown, traveling, building worlds within you and outside of you. Full expression and individuality is important at this time. The Universe reflects exactly how you are feeling so make sure you feel good today no matter what.

Happy Wednesday ❤

Being Happy Despite the Conditions

It's been raining here in Portland. And I know we're known for it but it's been raining A LOT lately. I used to let it get me down but in the past few years, I've been going out for walks and riding my bike even if the weather is super crappy. I've found that even despite the weather, it still really feels good and a great mood lifter to get outside. I've heard Portlanders boast about never using an umbrella (just a raincoat). I used to never use one when I moved here too - but I realized whoever made that statement doesn't really walk. Maybe from a car to a building but if you walk a few miles, umbrellas really do help a lot. So I started using one again and not only are they super functional but they are charming as well. Using an umbrella also reminds me of my days of living in New York City. I've even grown fond of the windy days when my umbrella turns inside out and outside in a bunch.

Happy Wednesday ❤