2015 The Year of The Goat (Sheep)

The Chinese year of the Goat (Sheep or Ram) technically starts on February 19, 2015. In Chinese Astrology the goat (sheep or ram) is a symbol of problem solving, calmness, and common sense. The Goat (sheep or ram) is the 8th sign in Chinese Astrology and is considered a lucky number of prosperity, wisdom and fortune. This year is said to be more of a stabilizing year, more positivity and a year where mankind will have high hopes for the future. You can also search 'Year of the Sheep 2015 Predictions' and look up your Chinese animal for more specific forecasts. We are also in Capricorn right now so any goals or New Year Resolutions are in good hands. This year's Goat energy coupled with Capricorn's responsible, patient, ambitious, resourceful and loyal energy; will give any intention a great start. Welcome to 2015 and hope your New Year has been treating you right!

Together We Go - Original Illustration for Lyrik's Human Nature show Portland, OR 2011