
I grew up near water my whole life and hadn't lived more than 30 minutes from a beach somewhere. But now I live a little over an hour from the ocean and it feels like another world. Since the beach is a little further away, a little planning is involved or I don't get out there as often as I like. There are lots of rivers and lakes to suffice but there is nothing like breathing in the negative ions of that blustery, fresh ocean air. Growing up on Long Island Sound, the waves were super tiny (because Long Island was in the way of the Atlantic) but the Sound provided lots of beachcombing for me as a kid. That's pretty much where I started collecting little bits of nature. There were mostly muscle shells, oyster shells, horseshoe crabs, sea stars, fiddler crabs and lots and lots of old sea glass. Here in the Pacific Northwest, you'll find giant sea kelp, unusual seashells and driftwood, the biggest and most colorful starfish I've ever seen, anemones, agate rocks and tide pools. I am so appreciative of the coast here and to be able to collect nature (sparingly of course).

We spent time at the beach this past weekend. The tide was way high so it didn't leave much beach walking space for looking around but here is my art piece inspired by beachcombing.

Happy Wednesday ❤
