Hello December
/Did you see the Supermoon on December 3rd? Scientists were saying it was bigger and brighter than our everyday moon we see. It was a nice entrance into the month of December for us. This week's moon was in Gemini, so if it stirred up some emotions and you and others will want to really voice it all. As the moon has been waning, you want to practice the art of picking and choosing your battles. Choosing the path of least resistance for yourself. Ask, is it worth it to freak out right now? Sometimes yet, sometimes no. In this space of deliberation, you can come to some clear thinking and calm. Whatever you decide, it's all about growth this week as the moon has moved into Cancer (softer energy) and will move into Leo (more energetic energy) tonight.
We are still technically in Autumn (winter starts on December 21st) but you can feel winter coming closer and closer. There's something about the colder months I've come to love... the regeneration of nature, the cozy bundles we wear to keep warm, hibernation and warm foods. It's not been terribly cold yet and we've not had snow yet - but I am sure some parts of the world are covered in it. I love a good walk in the snow. Here is a piece of art that captures that.
Happy Wednesday 💞